Governor Tom is a character from an untitled TV show currently in development and his story goes like this:

“Governor Tom” was originally born Tommy Nightingale, raised in a small suburban town where elementary school reeked of sour milk and majestic mountains inspired his soul. Barely out of high school, Tommy became the front man of the one-hit-wonder glam-rock band “Boylette”. The band climbed hard and fast with their platinum-selling single “Make You Free” reaching number six on the Billboard charts. Boylette toured non-stop until friction within the band caused an irreparable riff. Tommy embarked on a solo career in England and stayed.

Nightingale DJ'd - early days of internet streaming on New Groove Radio outside Bristol - and earned the nickname “Governor Tom.” He halted performing, produced other bands instead, including Tokyo Roll and Kill The Rooster, plus solo artists Brooke Beecombs and Missy Squish. 

Royalties in decline and skint AF, he wound up with scattered moments of success and a litany of self-defeating  habits. After a decade, Governor Tom returned to the States and dried out. He now mentors up-and-coming artists and hosts local college radio. With funding from one newly-connected-long-abandoned sprog, he's recording music for release through 2023 and beyond…

The fate of Governor Tom's story is unfolding. The music of Governor Tom is forever.